Throughout your time in education you’ve no doubt written a few different essays and reports to submit to your teachers and lecturers, and these will have become more complex, difficult and challenging as you have progressed from school to college, and then on to university.
The first significant part of the essay writing process is to make a plan of what you are going to write about. Maybe you’ve been provided with a question from your lecturer or you have the freedom to write one yourself in the field of study you have been learning. Either way, you are going to be needing a plan: where you can sketch out your ideas and the relevant theories or authors that you will need to consult in order to produce your arguments and ensure a coherent and well thought out approach to your essay.
Now this is an important stage, and many students time and again skip over this step because it’s time consuming and really does mean that you will need to think quite widely about your topic and what your paper is going to be on.