Whilst at university in the UK, you will no doubt be expected to research and write an academic essay for the different modules on your degree course. It doesn’t really matter whether you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate as this process is pretty much the same for both types of courses, just that as a postgraduate you will most likely have had the experience of writing essays for an academic institution.
The first step in the process is being given the topic or question to write about, and this is when you need to look at a few different essay guides to see the different points that you will need to include in the planning of your essay.
Then, you will want to think about how you are going to approach the essay question or topic through a brain storm, mind map or spider diagram – which will help you to connect the different elements to the different sub-topics in your work. For example, if you are writing a paper on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for your human resources module then you may look to include a case study carried out on Tesco (a supermarket chain in the UK) and how they discovered that employees required different training and encouragement to improve their personal development in the workplace.
This is something that can have an impact on the reader and show that you have really understood, planned and researched your paper.
There are also different parts to your paper that you will really need to concentrate on, such as the spelling, punctuation and grammar as these are really important. Most students simply don’t realise that a few silly mistakes can cost them a great deal if they don’t take care of them before submitting their paper. This is why essay proofreading is important for university students.